Monday, March 01, 2004


This Blog has like made it man! Just feast yer eyes on the following:
"It's always a challenge looking for blogs in small countries, and always a delight when to discover one such as Guabancex: Sputtering from the sweltering tropics.

Guabancex is a very active blog with topics as diverse as Hollywood, beer, random images and external links covering all manner of topics. The person behind this blog must surely have a good sense of humour!

Guabancex also provides a "definitive" Caribbean blogroll if you are interested in reading more from tropical America."
Yup, that there's called a 'write up' dont-cha-know? ...and I'd like to thank The Academy and my pilates instructor... Sorry, I'm all better now. But seriously, many thanks to Micheal Darrargh and Living on the Planet. They're doing something really special there, go check them out.

5 Ninjas, 1 Kitten and a Fifth of Vodka!